Thursday, January 19, 2012

That's what you get Creepy Spaniard Man!

So the men here.... kind of creepers. They always blow us kisses or yell out guapa (good looking) and are CONSTANTLY staring. I think blondes are just really rare around here. Today me and Ali were waiting by the cross walk and a man in his car started staring at us. Like full on rubber necking and turned all the way around until... he hit the car in front of him. I caused a freaking car accident! Oh gosh me and Ali could not stop laughing!

To make the day even better, I wrote a paper for my Spanish class about my mom. I tried to write "My mom is shorter than me, but other than that we look like twins. She looks like a "menina" because her hair is big like a crown. I'm serious- me and my mom look like twins!" I thought menina translated to princess be cause of the painting "las meninas" by Velasquez. But turns out it translates to midget. haha my teacher just smiled awkwardly and said "uhhhh... bien!" Ya live and ya learn I guess!

1 comment:

  1. bahahaha i love everything about this post. I love that you are so hot that men get in car accidents from looking at you and i love that your teacher now thinks your mom is a midget hahahahaha. that is hilarious.
